Cerasmus+ Project – The 6 training curricula for Initial and Continuing VET

Screen Shot 2020-01-07 at 10.27.26Cerasmus+ is a european project co-funded by the program Erasmus+, which was born from the initiative of AEuCC – European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation “Cities of Ceramics” and has started in 2017 with the goals to protect the European traditional heritage, to modernize the ceramic sector and to develop vocational training in ceramic craft industry enhancing work based learning models.

Cerasmus+ faces the challenges of global competition, loss of skills, difficulties of getting into the market and lack of financial resources and economic capacity, relying on three pillars: Heritage, Innovation and Network.

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AEuCC assembly in Manises

assemblea_aeucc_manisesOn November 22nd, in Manises (Spain), the assembly of AEuCC members took place, with the participation of 15 people, coming from 5 European countries (Italy, Spain, Czech Republic, Portugal, Poland), who took stock of the activities and projects and made important decisions. Continue reading

CLAY project: from the SWOT analysis to the analysis of the needs

CLAY_at_Bernardaud_1The second meeting of CLAY – Interreg Europe project was held in Limoges (France) on February 6 and 7, 2019

The second partnership meeting of the CLAY project (Cross Sector support for Innovative and Competitive Artistic Ceramic SMEs) was held on February 6 and 7, 2019 in Limoges (France). AEuCC is Advisory partner of the project and Communication Manager.

The partners, coming from Italy, Finland, France, Portugal, Romania and Spain gathered in Limoges for the second Interregional Learning Event (ILE) of the project, with the main purpose of discussing the sector analysis carried out by the partners themselves in Semester 1 (June – November 2018), consisting in an in-depth territorial study to understand the key features of the artistic ceramic sector. Continue reading


Publicación de las bases del concurso de méritos para disponer de una lista de candidatos idóneos para la provisión de tres plazas de técnicos de apoyo para la gestión del proyecto Europeo CLAY

Publication of the conditions of the merit contest to have a list of suitable candidates for the provision of three positions of technical support for the management of the European project CLAY

Pubblicazione dei termini del concorso di merito per la definizione di una graduatoria per l’assunzione di tre tecnici di supporto per la gestione del progetto Europeo CLAY


Nueva fecha límite de presentación: horas 10.00 del 21 de Jenero, 2019
New deadline: January 21, 2019, h 10 am
Nuova scadenza: 21 gennaio 2019, ore 10

AEuCC es socio asesor de CLAY, un proyecto de Interreg Europa, financiado por el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional, liderado por Regione Umbria como socio principal (más información sobre CLAY:
AEuCC Website
Dado que la AEuCC no cuenta, dentro de su propia estructura interna, con servicios que puedan realizar algunos trabajos de gestión en el marco del proyecto CLAY, resulta necesario proceder a cubrir puestos de trabajo para el período 2019-2021.
Es objeto de la presente convocatoria es disponer de una lista de candidatos idóneos para la provisión de tres plazas de técnicos de apoyo para la gestión del proyecto europeo CLAY – Cross Sector support for Innovative and Competitive Artistic Ceramic SMEs, obtenido por la Agrupación Europea de Cooperación Territorial Ciudades de la Cerámica (AEuCC). Continue reading

<< CALL FOR TENDER >> Publicación de los pliegos de cláusulas técnicas y administrativas para la contratación de los servicios de fiscalización económica de primer nivel de la AEuCC como socio beneficiario del proyecto CLAY, aprobado en el ámbito del programa INTERREG EUROPE / Call for tender for contracting first level control services for the AEuCC as beneficiary partner of the CLAY project, approved within the INTERREG EUROPE program

AEuCC es socio asesor de CLAY, un proyecto de Interreg Europa, otorgado por el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional, liderado por Regione Umbria como socio principal: más información sobre:
CLAY – AEuCC Website
Dado que la AEuCC no cuenta, dentro de su propia estructura interna, con servicios que puedan realizar trabajos de control de primer nivel en el marco del proyecto CLAY, resulta necesario proceder a la adjudicación y formalización de un contrato de servicio de control económico de primer nivel para el período 2018-2023.

AEuCC is advisory partner of CLAY, an Interreg Europe project, granted by European Regional Development Fund, leaded by Regione Umbria as lead partner: more info on
CLAY – AEuCC Website
Given that the AEuCC does not have, within its own internal structure, services that can perform first level control services in the framework of the project CLAY, it is necessary to proceed with the tender to contract a first level control service for the period 2018-2023.
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