AiCC, in cooperation with AEuCC, has presented in the recent months several projects to be financed by European programs, which are currently being evaluated:
Cerasmus-2-Innovation: it is the continuation of the recently concluded CERASMUS+ project; presented in Italy on the Erasmus program – VET axis (Vocational Educational and Training or professional and continuous training), aims to deepen the issues already started with the first project (to analyze the skills needs of the sector with reference to the improvement of the “value chain”, to enhance the urban environment and the start-up of businesses, to combine the tradition of ceramics with innovative design and production techniques, to review and innovate professional training in the ceramics sector through work-based learning models in order to strengthen the value of the sector at the cultural, social and economic level).
The project sees as coordinator AEuCC and as partner the Grue Institute of Castelli and other educational institutions of Manises (Spain), Leiria and Caldas da Rainha (Portugal), Letovice and Kunstat (Czech Republic) and Forssa (Finland) in addition to TUCEP of Perugia as a technical consultant partner on Erasmus.
Test. – Teaching hiStory of Ceramics: presented in Spain on the Erasmus program – VET axis (Vocational Educational and Training or professional and continuing training) is a project conceived by an Italian-Polish working group (composed of Viola Emaldi, curator of AiCC projects and IFTS director on ceramics of Faenza, Elisa Emiliani specialist AiCC and AEuCC European projects, Piotr Kielan Rector of the Academy of Wroclaw and Alicjia Patanowska, ceramics referent of that Academy and coordinated by Giuseppe Olmeti of AiCC) which aims to create and disseminate, with different methods and on different platforms (short lectures or conferences, monographic courses, extended programs, multi-day courses to be held in classroom and online) the “history of ceramics” of the individual nations of the partners participating in the project and define a teaching program crossed by such courses by the Institutes of other nations.
The project sees as coordinator AiCC and as partner the Associations of the Cities of Ceramics of Spain (AeCC) and France (AfCC) and school institutions of Wroclaw (Poland), Leiria and Caldas da Rainha (Portugal) and Letovice and Kunstat (Czech Republic ) as well as AEuCC as a communication partner and TUCEP of Perugia as a technical consultant partner on Erasmus.
CERAZENS – Ceramic sector meets Citizens: presented on the Citizens program: democratic engagement and civic participation – Network of Cities axis is a project resulting from the existence of the European network of Ceramic Cities permanently spread in 7 countries and from the opportunity that collaboration and trust between Associations and between individual cities can promote and implement a fruitful collaboration in terms of analysis and understanding of needs, opportunities and actions, to provide support to the existing world crisis by raising awareness and implementing actions of democratic commitment and civic participation.
The project sees as coordinating subject AEuCC and as partner the Associations of the Cities of Ceramics of Italy (AiCC), Spain (AeCC), France (AfCC), Romania (ArCC), Rep. Cheka (AczCC), Portugal (AptCVC) and Germany (AgCC).
Image source: pixabay